Entri ini adalah kesinambungan entri petua menghalau burung dahulu. Setelah membuat beberapa kaji selidik, aku dapati cara yang paling senang ialah meletakkan benda alah gantung-gantung yang beli dekat kedai RM5 tu. Yang ada bunyi tu.
Aku telah letakkan benda tu. Hasilnya, burung tak datang berak dekat balkoni rumah aku selama hampir satu bulan. Lamaaa tu. Mungkin sebab bunyi-bunyian dari benda tu mengganggu keharmonian burung untuk berak. Well. Burung pun macam kita. Perlukan tempat yang sunyi dan sepi untuk melabur (berak!). Atau pun mungkin reka bentuk benda tu mengganggu pemandangan burung. Pihak burung mungkin fikir benda bunyi tu adalah satu pemandangan yang menjijikkan lalu tak jadi berak. Hahaha.
Tapi 2-3 hari lepas, adela seekor burung datang. Berak lagi sekali. Burung pekak gamaknya takpun buta. Huh..
Hot CHICK nude picture below!

P/s : Perghh Cun... Takleh jadi ni. Kena cari Kenny Rogers.
1. More than 12,000 women are killed each year in Russia as a result of domestic violence. That's one every 43 minutes. In America, by contrast, that number is 1,246 women killed by an intimate partner in 2000. It seems that massive economic and social upheavel in the post-Soviet era have left men demoralized. In general, women are five to eight times more likely to be assaulted by an intimate partner than men.
2. In 2001, 13.2 million Americans had some form of plastic surgery. The number of prodecures has more than doubled since 1997. More than 70% of plastic surgery patients now earn less than $50,000 per year. The industry now even boasts its own TV show -- Extreme Makeover.
3. Landmines killor maim at least one person every hour. All around the world, more than 100 million remnants of conflicts past and present lie quietly in the ground, waiting for action. In more than 60 countries, landmines litter the earth. They are said to be popular because they're cheap to install. People killed and maimed by landmines are largely powerless and the countries most heavily mined are among the world's poorest.
4. There are 44 million child labourers in India. Worldwide, the UN Labour Organization estimates 246 million child labourers aged between five and seventeen. Of those, 171 million work in hazardous conditions; roughly 8.4 million are involved in what ILO calls 'the unconditional worst forms of child labour.'
5. People in industrialised countries eat between six and seven kilograms of food additives every year. In 2000, the food industry spends around $20 billion on making our food look prettier, taste nicer and last longer. Food additives are chemicals meant to keep our food fresh longer to prevent frequent trips to the market and reduces our time in the kitchen via 'convenience' foods. Worldwide market in flavourings is worth $3.6 billion a year. Artificial sweetners are another profitable sector.
Petang itu gelap sungguh. Aku balik awal. 10 minit di pertengahan jalan. Hujan lebat tak ingat. Kilat berdentum-dentum. Serius. Aku bergerak dengan pantas. Meter motor dah cecah 110. Baju dengan seluar basah lenjun. Sampai di tengah-tengah hiway, ngam-ngam motor jadi henjut-henjut. Ahh sudah! Aku kaget. Bawak slow skit. Dia jadi lagi henjut kuat. pastu terus berhenti. Aisey.. Aku bukak tempat duduk. Periksa minyak. Kosong. Melilau cari stesen minyak dalam hujan. Sudahnya aku tolak motor hampir dua kilo pergi stesen minyak. Dalam hujan lebat. Disertai ribut petir. Dan banjir kilat.
Kata Ustaz,"Tuhan datangkan kesusahan untuk menguji hambanya, maka bersabarlah dengan ujian itu. Nescaya kegembiraan akan datang bagi orang-orang yang sabar"
Kawan aku kata kepada aku, pegawai kerajaan yang paling dipandang "tinggi" ialah PTD. Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik. Ooo..
Dia kata, pegawai PTD semuanya kacak-kacak. Tinggi dan bertubuh sasa. Sebab itulah dipandang tinggi. Ceh...
Dia kata lagi, pegawai PTD sangat digilai oleh gadis-gadis genit. Choii...
Untuk menjadi pegawai PTD, memerlukan beberapa sesi temuduga dan juga saringan. Dan jika engkau layak. Maka bertuahlah kamu kerana kamu adalah satu dalam seribu. Kata dia. Hehe..
Kawan aku seorang pegawai PTD.
2007, aku berjalan masuk dengan wajah hensem. Berkemeja smart. Bertali leher dan berseluar hitam bergosok. Dan kasut hitam berkilat. Kelihatan begitu "pegawai kerajaan" sekali lagaknya. Tapi aku bukanlah pegawai kerajaan.
Setahun sudah berlalu. Sekejap sungguh rasanya..
Entri kali ini agak ringkas. Saya tidak ingin memenatkan kamu dengan benda-benda yang membuatkan fikiran jadi serabut. Kamu tak perlu berfikir pun (jika kamu mahu) semasa membaca entri ini. Ada sebuah buku tulisan Jessica Williams. Tajuknya "50 Facts That Should Change the World". Mendengar tajuknya sahaja akan mengingatkan kita kepada isi kandungan buku itu. Ya, buku yang dipenuhi fakta. Mari kita berkongsi fakta itu bersama-sama. (sementara saya masih sibuk dan tidak mempunyai masa secukupnya untuk berfikir mengenai perkara menarik bagi menulis entri kali ini :p )
The average Japanese women can expect to live to be 84. The average Botswanan will reach just 39. During the Roman Empire, life expectancy was just 22 years; 1500 years later, it reached 33; now, Japense have the highest life expectancy that is predicted to increase. In Central and South Africa, though, US Census Bureau predicts a drop in life expectancy in 51 countries ... primarly because of the HIV/Aids pandemic.
A third of the world's obese people live in the developing world. Obesity related conditions cost the US $118 billion in the 1990s, more than double the $47 billion attributable to smoking. The type of diet we intake is cited as the chief cause.
The US and Britain have the highest teen pregnancy rates in the developing world. For every 1,000 American women aged between fifteen and nineteen, there was 52.1 births, compared with 2.9 in Korea and 4.6 in Japan. UNICEF indicates that a key factor in reducing teen pregnancies is equipping young people to make informed choices.
China has 44 million missing women. For every 100 baby girls born in China in 2000, there were 116.8 baby boys. In China and India, sex-selective abortions are illegal but still common. China's 'one child' policy has meant that many births go unreported; these unregistered children won't be able to, for example, go to school or receive state-funded healthcare.
Brazil has more Avon ladies than members of its armed services. 450,000 personnel on active service, and 700,000 revendadoras (a.k.a. Avon ladies). Global beauty market is $95 billion and growing 7% every year. Avon's own reserach shows that 90% of Brazilian women considered beauty products to be a necessity, not a luxury.
Eighty-one percent of the world's executions in 2002 took place in just three countries: China, Iran and the USA. Gallup poll in 2003 showed that 74 percent of Americans support capital punishment for those convicted of murder. In China, most executions take place after rallies in front of massive crowds, and prisoners are often paraded through the streets on their way to their final destination.
British supermarkets know more about their consumers than the British government does. Loyalty cards, aimed to save you some bucks at the grocery counter, gather sophisticated information about your spending patterns. The problem? Such information is then sold, or used against you in court or taken by the government without your permission.
Every cow in the European Union is subsidised by $2.50 a day. That's more than what 75 per cent of Africans have to live on. World Bank reports than Japense cows get $7.50 per day. Of course, government costs are passed onto the consumers in terms of milk and beef prices.
In more than 70 countries, same-sex relationships are illegal. In nine countries, the penalty is death. Nine countries include Mauritania, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Chechen Republic, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Since the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979, more than 4,000 homosexuals have been executed.
One in five of the world's people live on less than a $1/day. Through the 1990s, there was a 7% improvement in poverty. Poverty, as it turns out, is completely avoidable. For less than 1% of the income of the wealthiest countries each year, the worst effects of poverty can be greatly diminished. At least four times between 2000 and 2003, rich countries pledged 0.7% of their income and poor countries promised political reforms for accountable implementation. As it turns out, rich didn't follow through on pledges and poor are plagued with corruption.
p/s : Cukuplah 10 fakta untuk kali ini. Kamu hafal dan hadam sepuasnya dahulu. 40 fakta lagi akan menyusul kemudian dikala saya tidak lapang untuk menulis. =) Oh ya.. maaf jika entri ini panjang. Entri ini tidak cukup ringkas rupanya.. Ceh!